PDC4S:\2021-2\✭ Dropshipping\Jared Goetz - eCom Hacks_\Module #2 - Setting Up Your Store to CONVERT

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NameSizeDate Modified
9.txt1 KB1/16/2019 5:57 AM
9 - One Click Upsell.MP411,894 KB1/16/2019 6:15 AM
8 - Customer Reviews.MP49,146 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
7 - Adding Tracking To Your Site.mp416,607 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
6 - Minimize Images For Fastest Load Speed.mp411,693 KB1/16/2019 6:20 AM
5 - FAQ Page Setup.MP48,625 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
4 - Abandoned Cart Email Sequence.MP416,123 KB1/16/2019 6:19 AM
3 - Free Shipping Bar.MP410,431 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
2.txt1 KB1/16/2019 5:57 AM
2.2 - The $5,000,000 Theme.MP421,391 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
2.1 - The $5,000,000 Theme.mp429,521 KB1/16/2019 6:20 AM
16 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (7 of 7).MP47,660 KB1/16/2019 6:19 AM
15 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (6 of 7).MP4134,259 KB1/16/2019 6:21 AM
14 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (5 of 7).MP416,606 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
13 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (4 of 7).MP422,025 KB1/16/2019 6:19 AM
12 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (3 of 7).MP418,889 KB1/16/2019 6:21 AM
11 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (2 of 7).MP49,218 KB1/16/2019 6:18 AM
10 - Step-by-Step Theme Setup (1 of 7).MP412,451 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM
1 - Conversion Rates.mp47,066 KB1/16/2019 6:17 AM